This will be the last blog post before I give birth to one more human. Just like last time, if you’re wondering if I’ve had the baby yet, you can always check this site or use social media. I’m sure you’re on the edge of your seat. I had my other kids on their due dates, so I don’t really anticipate going early or late. My official prediction is that I will have a baby sometime in June. Please send your thoughts, prayers, and magical healing auras to my special place.
Grocery store checkout questions answered:
1) Do you know what you’re having? (no)
2) Did you find out with the other two? (yes)
3) Do you have a guess? (yes, though my guessing powers have proven to be 0% correct in the past)
4) Do you have names picked out? (yes, same name for either sex)
5) Are you due soon? (oh did you think I was pregnant? I just had a large lunch)
You know my thoughts on the third trimester and this final pregnancy. We’ve had a good run. Thinking about saying goodbye to this stage of my life, giving birth one last time, and holding a fresh newborn again all make me cry into my cereal (but so does that Lean Cuisine commercial with the night nurse and the macaroni and cheese–so take it with a grain of salt).
The kids are excited. I am excited. Austin is excited. Ever since Eva was born, we’ve talked about what our family would look like as a family of four but it never felt quite right. Someone was missing. I can’t wait until we’re all here.
See you soon.